

Amptek 提供多種真空SDD的方案,滿足客戶的各式應用


  • 10-7 torr 以上有兩種方案

Option A: XR-100機身或 AXR/PA-230 可以放置在真空腔內。為了避免過熱和耗散,應使用適當的鎖頭安裝並接觸腔壁確保良好的熱傳導,操作設備提供約 1 瓦功率。

Option B: XR-100 X-123 可以位於真空腔外,透過標準的Conflat compression O-ring port設計使探測器在真空腔內來探測X光。可依不同應用選型號 EXV99 吋)或 EXV55 吋)真空偵測器延長套件。


  • 10-7 torr 以下之超高真空有兩種方案

Option C D: 僅適用於 FAST SDD 偵測器,此配置僅將偵測器放置在腔室中。 客製化 UHV 電纜、連接器和 15 D 型法蘭用於連接真空腔外部的前置放大器和PX5處理器。

Amptek 提供多種真空SDD的方案,滿足客戶的各式應用


  • 10-7 torr 以上有兩種方案

Option A: XR-100機身或 AXR/PA-230 可以放置在真空腔內。為了避免過熱和耗散,應使用適當的鎖頭安裝並接觸腔壁確保良好的熱傳導,操作設備提供約 1 瓦功率。

Option B: XR-100 X-123 可以位於真空腔外,透過標準的Conflat compression O-ring port設計使探測器在真空腔內來探測X光。可依不同應用選型號 EXV99 吋)或 EXV55 吋)真空偵測器延長套件。


  • 10-7 torr 以下之超高真空有兩種方案

Option C D: 僅適用於 FAST SDD 偵測器,此配置僅將偵測器放置在腔室中。 客製化 UHV 電纜、連接器和 15 D 型法蘭用於連接真空腔外部的前置放大器和PX5處理器。



Option A: 探測器和前放都在真空腔內

*****Option A1: XR-100 with PX5

Vacuum option A1

Required items for XR-100 with PX5

  • XR-100CR, XR-100SDD, or XR-100T-CdTe
  • TF3 Power Cable (ACH-432, 6-pin lemo to 9 pin D)
  • 9D-275 Vacuum Feedthrough connector
  • PX5 (includes ACH-403 Cable and ACH-442 Gender Changer)

NOTE: No signal cable is included from the XR100 to the vacuum wall. This is the responsibility of the user. A standard BNC cable is provided for use outside of the chamber

*****Option A2: AXR/PA-230 or PA-210 with X-123





Required items for AXR/PA-230or PA-210 with X-123

  • AXR Detector (Si-PIN, SDD, or CdTe)
  • PA-210 or PA-230 preamplifier
  • PA-210 or PA-230 housing
  • 9D-275 Vacuum Feedthrough connector
  • Flex to 9 Pin D (female) cable (ACH-495)
  • Flex to 9 Pin D (female) cable (ACH-417) (Max cable length recommended is 20 inches)
  • X-123 Digital Pulse Processor and Power Supply

CdTe Version requires the use of High Voltage components and cables.


Option B: 利用延長套件使探測器在真空腔內

Option B: XR-100 with PX5

*****Option B Required Items for XR-100/PX5:

  • XR-100CR, XR-100SDD (or FAST SDD), or XR-100T-CdTe
  • EXV9 or EXV5
  • CP75 Feedthrough coupling
  • PX5 Digital Pulse Processor and Power Supply

Option B: X-123

The X-123 and X-123SDD shown with the standard 1.5 extender (bottom), and the optional EXV5 (center) and EXV9 (top) 5 and 9 extenders.

*****Option B Required Items for X-123:

  • X-123 Si-PIN, X-123 SDD (or FAST SDD), or X-123 CdTe
  • EXV9 or EXV5
  • CP75 Feedthrough coupling


Option C (FAST SDD Only): 超高真空系統 (UHV)

Vacuum Option C image

Ultra High Vacuum configuration with PX5 and FAST SDD

Required Items:

  • FAST SDD detector with right angle heat sink
  • UHV cables and connector from detector to flange
  • 15-Pin D on UHV large-bore 2.75 or 4.5 CF Flange
  • SDC-915 Preamplifier
  • Cables from flange to PX5
  • PX5 Digital Pulse Processor and Power Supply

Option D: 超高真空SDD系統與手動定位配置

Ultra High Vacuum configuration with PX5 and FAST SDD and manual Linear Adjustment (100 mm).

Option D Required Items:

  • FAST SDD detector with 100 mm Linear Adjustment and heat sink
  • UHV cables and connector from detector to flange
  • 15-Pin D on UHV large-bore 2.75” or 4.5” CF Flange
  • SDC-915 Preamplifier
  • Cables from flange to PX5
  • PX5 Digital Pulse Processor and Power Supply